Aj Hoge Email

Have you ever heard about 'Effortless English Lessons'?

No, whatever content he has made available on the Internet is really very impressive, but if it comes to purchasing it, it is not worth it. I and my friends have purchased it, but we did not find anything special. I listen AJ Hoge, Steve Kafmann and other interesting things for me. Now I can add something new from you, perfect. It is true that this type of listening (real spoken English between native speakers) was something what I wanted to add into.

A.J. Hoge, the course creator, claims that if you use his method (which does not focus on grammar directly) you will be able to speak excellent English in 6 months or less!

Many English courses will claim that you can learn English in a week or while you sleep (which both sound too good to be true), but 6 months sounds like it might actually be true.

Hector, a visitor just like you, asked me if I could review this course, so I visited the official website.

A.J. says that if you use his Effortless English lessons on a regular basis then you will speak Excellent English.

But what exactly does 'regular basis' mean?

From the name of the course 'Effortless English' you might think that this course will not take any effort at all - but don't be fooled. The regular basis he is referring to is 5 days a week.

Everything takes effort, but what A.J. is saying is that his lessons are fun, interesting and transform the process of learning English into something enjoyable.

So basically studying 5 days a week with his lessons will not seem like work. (Hmmm...interesting).

The following question is important as well;

How confidant is A.J. about his promise that you will speak excellent English in 6 months from now?

He seems extremely confidant actually, because if you use his lessons 5 days a week for 6 months and are unsatisfied with your results, he will return x2 the amount of money that you paid.

Yes! He will return your money and then pay you for your trouble!

Someone would only do that if they were 100% sure of their product. He seems to know that you will succeed with his course.

Now, to help you even more I am going to buy a copy of the course and give you a full course review and feedback (as an English teacher).

I am also going to go one step further and see what an actual English learner thinks about it as well!

Lucky for us my brother-in-law Pablo is learning English and has volunteered to do the course.

Yay! Finally you (and I) will be able to see for ourselves if this course really is as good as A.J. says it is.

What is Pablo's English like right now?

I have recorded a short conversation with Pablo - my brother in-law - to show you what his level currently is. I was just at his house showing him all the different parts of the course and explaining how he needs to study them.

Pablo's English Before Using Effortless English

Checking in on Pablo (He studied 3x a week for 2 months).

All the best,


PS: Do you already have A.J.'s English lessons? Share your opinion on the course by leaving a comment below! Are they amazing or just another waste of time and money?

What do you think about
'Effortless English' Lessons?

Share your personal experiences here so that others can learn from your success or disappointment.

Aj Hoge Email Address

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see comments from other visitors!

Does ' Effortless English' Really Work?
Does ' Effortless English' Really Work ? In my opinion it's the wrong question. Why? Becuase it's not a button or gear in a car.You can't switch it on …

Anyone joined VIP Program from AJ Hoge
I would like to ask anyone who joined VIP program from A. J. Hoge. Any comments from this courses and you can get what kind of improvement. And the materials …

I've been using effortless english for two years, but I am still not fluent.
I've been using effortless english for two years. Yes, two years. AJ promised fluency in 6 months. However, after TWO Years, I am still not fluent. …


Effortless English Reviews
My point about this course is absolutely POSITIVE!!! I've just recently bought it and I'm at the beginning of the course. I believe I'll improve my English …

Pablo's First Impressions of 'Effortless English'
*For those of you who don't know, my brother in law, Pablo, is currently studying with 'Effortless English' to see if the course actually works. Pablo …

Thank you for Dealing with ' Effortless English' & Its Claim
I was wondering if Effortless English works. I believe that everything needs effort but my key point is different; I have been studying English for …

Is this working yet?
Hope to hear your opinion soon. Thanks! Hi Emily, Sorry for the delay. I will be posting our feedback shortly (once I have finished working on the …

Wasted my money!!
Still can't speak English! TOTAL SCAM!!! Thoughts from Diana: I just saw this comment this afternoon and I'd really like to know more about …

Effortless English is not Effortless, but it Works!
I had listened to the 1st and half of the 2nd levels. And I think that it works, but.. If you can listen to the same lesson through the whole week at …

Aj Hoge English Videos

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Discover these Amazing ESL Materials!

'A Kiss' is the name of the first Lesson Set on the Effortless English Club Album. The central story for 'A Kiss' is about a boy who gives his car to a girl to get a kiss from her.
Aj hoge download'A Kiss' is a mid-beginner level lesson. The vocabulary is simple. I speak quite slowly in this lesson set. I pronounce more carefully and clearly. Email
EnglishMany intermediate and advanced members may want to skip this lesson. They might think, 'This is much too easy for me.' But I think that is a mistake.
In my experience, most advanced English students NEED simple practice with very basic English. I have taught many students, for example, who have large vocabularies and great TOEFL scores-- but who constantly make mistakes with common past tense verbs.
For example, many advanced students will use 'go' when they should use 'went'. They know that 'went' is correct, but 'go' is stuck deep in their brain. They know the grammar rules, but they do not FEEL the grammar automatically.
To correct these very basic speaking problems, you need to use the easy lessons. These lessons will teach you to use correct grammar automatically. You'll also learn to use common vocabulary in the correct way-- without thinking.
Remember, Effortless English is a DEEP LEARNING system. Just knowing a rule or definition isn't enough. You probably know most of the rules, but you still constantly make mistakes when you speak. You don't need to know rules, you need to FEEL the correct forms Deeply and Automatically.
I recommend that ALL members start with The 'A Kiss' Lesson Set. And I recommend that ALL members use every Lesson Set for a full week (or more). By listening to the lessons and answering the questions, you learn deeply, and teach yourself to speak correctly without thinking. English speaking becomes AUTOMATIC.

Aj Hoge English Lessons

So, whether you are a beginner... or have a huge English vocabulary... start with 'A Kiss'!
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Aj Hoge Reviews

Aj Hoge Mini Story

The Effortless English Podcast.