Frozen Throne Custom Campaign


  1. Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Custom Campaign Download
  2. Warcraft Frozen Throne Custom Campaign Download
  3. Frozen Throne Custom Campaign
  4. Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Custom Campaign Folder
  5. Warcraft Frozen Throne Custom Campaign

Windows | macOS
(both require patch 1.29)


Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is the final expansion pack for the 2002 real-time strategy game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. It includes new heroes, campaigns, and auxiliary races. It also adds naval battles that were missing from Warcraft III and redesigned weapons and armor.

  1. The best campaign EVER, period. Very challenging, amazing story, attention to detail. Great music, too. EDIT: Here's a video of a YouTuber playing the campaign! Go ahead, watch the first 5 minutes (the Prologue cinematic) and tell me it didn't get you hooked.
  2. The bonus orc campaign from The Frozen Throne was certainly a bit of a move away from the traditional RTS involving building, massing, and attacking, but had a whole appeal of its own. Role-playing elements received a big boost and heroes became the focus with normal units only taking a mercenary status.
  3. With that, you can just open war3.mpq and war3x.mpq and extract the campaign maps to your folder, and then they function like any other map in the WE. Editing the extracted maps won't actually change the ones on the campaign menus, but you can play them as custom games.
  4. Book I: Exodus of the Horde (Campaign) Fortinbras, Oct 10, 2020. #Altered Melee, #Campaign, #Medieval / Warcraft, #Open Source. Download (11.95 MB) Comments: 16 Downloads: 1,031 Resources: 1 Ratings: 1. Fortinbras Nov 30, 2020. 2 Player Campaign 2020 - Reforged & Classic.

Release Paradigm: Chapter-By-Chapter

Due to high amount of content present in each chapter (and long develop times thereof), we will release the Gnoll Campaign chapter-by-chapter. It took us about 1200 man-hours to plan and develop the first chapter and we believe that the subsequent chapters will require a like amount of effort.

Installation Instructions


  1. Download GnollCampaign-C1V1R6.w3n by clicking the Download button.
  2. Copy GnollCampaign-C1V1R6.w3n to DocumentsWarcraft IIICampaigns. If the Campaigns folder does not exist, you must create it.


  1. Download GnollCampaign-C1V1R6.w3n by clicking the Download button.
  2. Open Finder.
  3. Press and hold the OPTION/ALT key down, then go to the Finder menu in the top menu bar and open the 'Go' menu. When you are holding the OPTION/ALT key down, the Library option will appear in the dropdown menu. Click 'Library'. Now you are in the Library folder.
  4. Open Application Support → Blizzard → Warcraft III.
  5. Create a 'Campaigns' folder, if it does not exist.
  6. Copy GnollCampaign-C1V1R6.w3n to the Campaigns folder.

Playing the Gnoll Campaign

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Custom Campaign Download

  1. Start Warcraft III.
  2. Make sure you have started the game in The Frozen Throne mode. If not, click the small button on the right hand side of the Single Player button.
  3. Select Single Player → Custom Campaign.
  4. Select Gnoll Campaign in the file menu.
  5. Click Play Campaign.

Selecting the Right Difficulty

Easy: If you have been long time away from Warcraft III and you have not honed your skills to play the game lately, please choose the Easy difficulty.

Normal: If you know how the game functions, you are able to use hero abilities effectively, train a good mix of units, and create a good army, but you do not consider yourself as a super-good player, we recommend playing on the Normal difficulty.

Hard: If you are actually pretty good at the game, you can use hero and unit abilities to the maximum effect, you are able to micro units well, you know how to build an extremely effective army, and you know well what different abilities, items, and upgrades do, we recommend that you play on the Hard difficulty.

If even the Easy difficulty is too difficult for you, please consider using Warcraft III built-in cheats to make the game even easier.

Warcraft Frozen Throne Custom Campaign Download

Solutions to Puzzles

You need to take the Spirit Lantern from the Temple of Gurathul and light it up somehow.
You need a Fruit of Ethereal Oil from the Tree of Many Fruits for oil.
When you have the Spirit Lantern and a Fruit of Ethereal Oil, visit the brazier, which is on the left hand side of the Temple of Gu'rathul. Use the Fruit Ethereal Oil to light up the Spirit Lantern, and then put the Spirit Lantern back inside the Temple of Gu'rathul.
You need to put something into the corrupted fountains that purifies them.
Put a Fruit of Healing into the Corrupted Fountain of Health.
Put a Fruit of Mana into the Corrupted Fountain of Mana.
Put a Fruit of Healing and a Fruit of Mana into the Corrupted Fountain of Power.
Put a Fruit of Healing or a Fruit of Mana into a Corrupted Moon Well.
Use enough fruits until the whole corrupted forest is purified.
You can buy Fruits of Healing and Fruits of Mana from the Tree of Many Fruits.
You need to know 6 black mantras, which you can learn from 3 Gnarm'r Fragments that can be found around the map.
One of the Gnarm'r Fragments is hidden in the Totem of Chaos. You must destroy it to find the fragment.
One of the Gnarm'r Fragments drops from the Altar of Yee'Naghu in the Yeenadorian gnolls' main base.
The Troll Shaman in the Skullflower village has one of the fragments, and he can teach the mantras for a fee.
The solution to the Ancient Chant of Gnarm'r is random. There is no single correct answer.
The correct number of mantras to chant is 4. The big brazier on the left hand side lights up, when the correct number of mantras have been chanted.
Each of the braziers on the right hand side light up, when a correct mantra is chanted.
The topmost brazier lights up when the first chanted mantra is correct. The second topmost lights up when the second chanted mantra is correct and so on.
You can chant, for example, 'Vex Vex Vex Vex' to see which mantras are Vex. If, let's say, the second and the third brazier light up, you know that the second mantra and the third mantra are Vex. You can repeat the procedure for every mantra until you know the right answer.

Downloads for Previous Patches

Patch 1.29: Gnoll Campaign C1R4: Windows – macOS

Warcraft frozen throne custom campaign download

Cinematic Trailer

You can watch our cinematic trailer on YouTube where it has a better resolution than in-game.

Video Music

'Curse of the Scarab', 'Take a Chance'
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

About Sound Mind Games

Sound Mind Games is a Finland-based non-profit association that helps people suffering from depression and other mental disorders. Many of them have amazing skills, and in our association, they can participate in exciting projects, in which they can improve their skills further, recover from their illnesses, and finally get jobs in IT, game, and media industries.

Support Us

If you want to support us, you can visit and become our Minor Supporting Member through PayPal.

Voice Actors

  • Storm Watters (gigarat): Luna Moonsnout, Gnoll Supreme Warden
  • Richard Barcenas (mugen26): Gnarl Goldmane, Gnoll Hill Chief
  • Harry Frost (bellows_audio): Arecales, Keeper of the Grove
  • Maya Tuttle: Sharnti-lar, Troll Maneater (dialogues only)
  • Jakob Dillon (zillah): Yee'Togarr, Flindlord
  • Michael Wightman: Zul'Abar, Troll Chieftain
  • Stephen Carlock: Jo Jo Headshrinker, Troll Shaman
  • Anthony Ray Morales: Mezil-kree, Troll Cuisinier
  • Kevin Rineer: Zul'Maran, Troll Woodcrafter
  • Katrell I. D. Faison: Zul'Rajas, Troll Firedancer
  • Caleb 'Yeti' Wilson: Corrupted Tree of Spirits; Yog'Ommog, High Priest of Yeb-beh
  • Kevin Duong (Everae): Generic Male Troll
  • Eamon Kane: Gnoll Mystweaver, Gnoll Overseer, Gnoll, Gnoll Assassin, and Gnoll Slasher
  • Eamonn Leighton: Gnoll Brute, Gnoll Poacher, and Gnoll Warlock
  • Bonnie Bogovich: Gnoll Warden
  • Eduardo Riedel (Zamoody): Mysterious Voices 1–5
  • Ed Khoo: Narrator

Change Log

The change log contains some spoilers. Please click the version heading to see the changes.

  • Added Voice Actors.
  • Reduced gold in Gold Mines to 35000, down from 50000.
  • Troll Cannibals and Troll Headhunters can be hired for half the normal cost.
  • Fixed a bug that caused gnolls imprisoned in the troll village to have their hit points modified by the difficulty level.
  • Changed Arecales' second ability to be War Stomp instead of Force of Nature.
  • Fixed a bug where you did not need to purify the Fountain of Power to purify the whole forest.
  • Fixed Yog'Ommog's walk animation speed.
  • Changed Yee'Togarr's first ability to be Flame Strike instead of Rain of Fire.
  • Changed Troll Witch Doctors' second ability to be Disenchant instead of Stasis Trap.
  • Added several sound effects.
  • Fixed a bug with the Gnoll Mystweaver's gate-in sound when the Illuminated Spirit Lantern was put into the Temple of Gu'rathul.
  • Increased the difficulty of the Yeenadorian Gnoll main base.
  • The trailer movie now works in the patch 1.30.1.
  • The trailer movie does not require anymore a separate installation.
  • Updated various icons.
  • Updated description of Fruit of Ethereal Oil to provide an additional hint.
  • Tree of Spirits sells now also Fruits of Insight.
  • Updated tooltip for Spirit Wood.
  • Updated cinematic musics to work with the patch 1.30.1.
  • Saving and loading no longer destroys uncorrupted forest terrain.
  • Minor quest text revisions.
  • Hints for the brazier near the Temple of Gu'rathul are now easier to receive.
  • When forest is healed, cut trees do not become grown anymore.
  • Zul'Rajas has now a comment about the voodoo curse.
  • If gnolls are released before speaking to Mezil-kree, he explains now why the bills need to be paid.
  • Zul'Abar does not speak about releasing the gnolls if you have already spoken about it with Mezil-kree.
  • Unpaid bill dialogues when speaking to trolls have been updated.
  • Some other minor dialogue updates.
  • Added unit animations to certain cinematics.
  • Darathya has now Hero glow.
  • Hid the Hero glow for Arecales in the statue form.
  • Fixed hot keys for items in Warden Lounge.
  • Resistant Skin has been renamed Heroic.
  • Corrupted Tree of Spirits has now Heroic ability.
  • Added trees to the left side of the map.
  • Floating texts have been realigned in Credits.
  • Fantasy Authors section of Credits has been improved.
  • Corrupted Moon Wells can no longer be used to replenish life and mana.
  • Fixed items and their hot keys in Jungle Trolls' Spirit Lodge.
  • Added birds of paradise singing sound.
  • Nerfed Nature's Blessing and increased the cost of the Hero upgrades.
  • The game now takes into account if the Troll Maneater charms units.
  • Fixed a bug that some AIs built double amount of intended units.
  • Some minor doodad changes.
  • Added a dialogue to the Tree of Spirits, when he becomes uncorrupted.
  • A minor quest change.
  • Minor cinematic changes.
  • The difficulty dialog appears now faster.
  • Added a new secret.
  • Credits have been updated.
  • Difficulty is now selected in a dialog menu. This fixes broken difficulty behavior of Warcraft III.
  • Gnoll Assassin, Ghoulfiend, and Heightened Awareness have been nerfed.
  • Some dialogue changes.
  • Gnolls regenerate less hit points and wake up later on the shore.
  • If trolls become hostile, all trolls owned by the player become hostile as well.
  • Bridges in the end fight are wider.
  • Added some doodads to the troll village.
  • Gnoll workers can now attack trees.
  • Gnoll hut is slightly smaller.
  • Great Horned One quest requirement is now correctly set as completed.
  • Nether Temples no longer have a unit inventory.
  • Sharnti-lar's Walk Animation Speed has been adjusted.
This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

This is a list of all campaigns and their chapters/missions in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

  • 1Reign of Chaos
  • 2The Frozen Throne

Reign of Chaos

Prologue Campaign

Exodus of the Horde
  • Introduction: The Prophecy*
  • Cinematic: Thrall's Vision*
  • Chapter One: Chasing Visions*
  • Chapter Two: Departures*
  • Chapter Three: Riders on the Storm**
  • Chapter Four: The Fires Down Below**
  • Chapter Five: Countdown to Extinction**

* These are not part of the demo version of the game and the Frozen Throne custom campaign.

** These chapters are part of the demo version of the game and the Frozen Throne custom campaign.

Human Campaign

The Scourge of Lordaeron
  • Cinematic: The Warning
  • Chapter One: The Defense of Strahnbrad
  • Chapter Two: Blackrock and Roll
  • Interlude: Jaina's Meeting
  • Chapter Three: Ravages of the Plague
  • Chapter Four: The Cult of the Damned
  • Chapter Five: March of the Scourge
  • Interlude: The Prince and the Prophet
  • Chapter Six: The Culling
  • Interlude: Divergent Courses
  • Chapter Seven: The Shores of Northrend
  • Chapter Eight: Dissension
  • Chapter Nine: Frostmourne
  • Cinematic: Arthas' Betrayal

Undead Campaign

Path of the Damned
  • Chapter One: Trudging through the Ashes
  • Chapter Two: Digging up the Dead
  • Interlude: The Dreadlords Convene
  • Chapter Three: Into the Realm Eternal
  • Chapter Four: Key of the Three Moons
  • Chapter Five: The Fall of Silvermoon
  • Interlude: The Revelation
  • Chapter Six: Blackrock & Roll, Too!
  • Chapter Seven: The Siege of Dalaran
  • Chapter Eight: Under the Burning Sky
  • Cinematic: The Destruction of Dalaran
Frozen Throne Custom Campaign

Orc Campaign

The Invasion of Kalimdor
  • Chapter One: Landfall
  • Chapter Two: The Long March
  • Interlude: The Wreckage of Lordaeron
  • Chapter Three: Cry of the Warsong
  • Chapter Four: The Spirits of Ashenvale
  • Interlude: The Blood of Mannoroth
  • Chapter Five: The Hunter of Shadows
  • Chapter Six: Where Wyverns Dare
  • Chapter Seven: The Oracle
  • Chapter Eight: By Demons Be Driven
  • Cinematic: The Death of Hellscream

Night Elf Campaign

Eternity's End
  • Chapter One: Enemies at the Gate
  • Chapter Two: Daughters of the Moon
  • Chapter Three: The Awakening of Stormrage
  • Chapter Four: The Druids Arise
  • Chapter Five: Brothers in Blood
  • Chapter Six: A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow
  • Interlude: The Last Guardian
  • Chapter Seven: Twilight of the Gods
  • Cinematic: Eternity's End

The Frozen Throne

Sentinel Campaign

Terror of the Tides
  • Cinematic: The Awakening
  • Chapter One: Rise of the Naga
  • Chapter Two: The Broken Isles
  • Chapter Three: The Tomb of Sargeras
  • Chapter Four: Wrath of the Betrayer
  • Interlude: Unfinished Business
  • Chapter Five: Balancing the Scales
  • Chapter Six: Shards of the Alliance
  • Interlude: Malfurion's Vision
  • Chapter Seven: The Ruins of Dalaran
  • Chapter Eight: The Brothers Stormrage
  • Finale: A Parting of Ways

Alliance Campaign

Curse of the Blood Elves
  • Chapter One: Misconceptions
  • Chapter Two: A Dark Covenant
  • Chapter Three: The Dungeons of Dalaran
  • Secret Level: The Crossing*
  • Interlude: The Dusts of Outland
  • Chapter Four: The Search for Illidan
  • Interlude: Illidan's Task
  • Chapter Five: Gates of the Abyss
  • Chapter Six: Lord of Outland
  • Finale: Kil'jaeden's Command

* This level must be unlocked in chapter three.

Scourge Campaign

Legacy of the Damned
  • Chapter One: King Arthas
  • Interlude: A Kingdom Divided
  • Chapter Two: The Flight from Lordaeron
  • Interlude: Sylvanas' Farewell
  • Chapter Three: The Dark Lady
  • Chapter Four: The Return to Northrend
  • Chapter Five: Dreadlord's Fall
  • Chapter Six: A New Power in Lordaeron
  • Chapter Seven, Part One: Into the Shadow Web Caverns
  • Chapter Seven, Part Two: The Forgotten Ones
  • Chapter Seven, Part Three: Ascent to the Upper Kingdom
  • Interlude: Boiling Point
  • Chapter Eight: A Symphony of Frost and Flame
  • Finale: A Long Time Coming
  • Cinematic: The Ascension

Bonus Campaign

The Founding of Durotar

Frozen Throne Custom Campaign

  • Act One: To Tame a Land
  • Act Two: Old Hatreds*
  • Act Three: A Blaze of Glory*

* Act two and three where added in patch 1.13. You need to update in order to continue the story.

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Custom Campaign Folder


  • The Reign of Chaos campaign was referred to as the Classic campaign in The Frozen Throne patch notes.

Patch changes

  • Patch 1.13 (2003-12-16):
    • The Frozen Throne
      • Acts II & III, the conclusion acts to the bonus Orc campaign contained in The Frozen Throne, are included in this patch. To play these levels, you can simply click the 'Chapter Two - Old Hatreds' link from the Bonus Campaign screen. If you have completed Act I, your Heroes will carry over to Act II. Otherwise, your Heroes will be default-level Heroes with basic starting items.

External links

IGN FAQs Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Walkthrough

Warcraft Frozen Throne Custom Campaign

IGN FAQs Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Walkthrough/guide
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne and Reforged
General information
  • Reign of Chaos
    • Soundtrack
  • Demo
  • The Frozen Throne
    • Soundtrack
  • Reforged
  • Missions
Units and structures
  • Back2Warcraft
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